Weight Loss

Weight Loss with MyDailyChoice
MyDailyChoice has several products to help you on your weight management journey. Choose from packages that are created to be an entire holistic solution or individually.

BodyMelt is our 4 part plant based nutrition program.
DailySprays are our fast absorbing nutritional products.
XeTrm is our famous pink drink that gives you energy, suppresses appetite and so much more! Now available in Crisp Apple.
Weight Loss Coffee – Lean Java Bean. Suppresses appetite, improves energy and focus. Once a day.
NEWRetrain Your Brain with ICAN Mind & Body Set yourself up for success! This is an excellent tool to add to any MyDailyChoice weight loss products.

Check out the entire line up of weight loss products below.

  • Set yourself up for success with our neuroscience weight loss program. Get daily Power Up videos that help you start your day right and weekly live Q & A sessions. If you are tired of failing, sabotaging and stopping and starting... if you have suffered for years, never making any progress... this tool is for YOU! It's affordable and worth every cent. Try it for a month and see for yourself!
  • Boost Daily Spray

    Stuck in the mid-day slump or tired during morning workouts? Let BOOST Daily Spray guide your day. Packed with natural caffeine, Vitamin B12, and Taurine, BOOST energizes your system, giving you that extra push you need to remain active. This energy enhancer fits comfortably in your pocket or purse, always ready to serve you a dose of vigor anytime, anywhere. Switch to BOOST Daily Spray today for an everyday power surge.
  • Trim 365 Daily Spray

    Trim 365 Daily Spray will help to suppress your appetite so you can achieve your weight loss goals. This is another powerful Oral Supplement Spray brought to you by My Daily Choice. This premium spray contains the highly effective Garcinia Cambogia ingredient. It will help you burn fat faster while it keeps you from dreaming of food all day with it's appetite suppressant powers. Use it with the other sprays to also get more energy, focus and peak performance.
  • E Cell Daily Spray

    Energize yourself with  E CELL Daily Spray, the ultimate source of sustained vitality. Known as the life's energy currency, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) fuels your body all day long. ATP production takes place within your cells, but quickly depletes outside of them. This requires a continuous recycling process to ensure a constant supply of energy. Don't miss out on the small stockpile of energy - power up with E-CELL Daily Spray today!
  • Core Keto Daily Spray

    When your body is struggling to adapt to a new diet or exercise routine, CORE KETO Daily Spray can be a valuable ally. This highly effective spray contains micronized β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), a naturally occurring ketone that is synthesized in the liver and provides energy when glucose levels are low. By maintaining healthy energy levels, CORE KETO supports any weight management program, including the popular Keto diet. The formula is specially designed to complement a healthy diet and exercise routine, and is frequently used by those following the Keto program.
  • Detox – Body Melt

    Need a reset? DETOX by Body Melt can help you rid your body of years of toxin build up. Feel energized and refreshed. Weight management works best when your body is cleaned up!
  • Burn – Body Melt

    Burn by BodyMelts helps to kickstart your metabolism. Natural all day energy. Loaded with enzymes and antioxidants. An excellent support to any weight management program.
  • Micro Bio – Body Melt

    Micro Bio by BodyMelt restores your gut health. This is imperative for optimal health and easier weight loss. Feel fabulous when your gut is happy!
  • SAVE

    XeTRM ON SALE ! Pink Drink Weight Loss

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $37.49.
    XeTRM, also known as The Pink Drink by Beyond, is a dietary supplement designed to enhance energy, promote metabolism, and support digestive wellness. It combines natural caffeine sources, amino acids, and prebiotic and probiotic elements. The Pink Drink, widely popular, offers several benefits including metabolism support, increased energy levels, improved mood, and a healthy gut microbiome. It is available in both single and 3-pack options, with each pack containing 30 XeTRM sticks.
  • Green Superfood Blend – Body Melt

    Body Melt greens provide your body a dose of super nutrition. Nourish and energize your body with digestive enzymes and powerful antioxidants.
  • Protein, Plant Based – Body Melt

    Looking for a quality plant based protein that tastes great too? Body Melt Protein is delicious! Loaded with premium ingredients, vegan protein never tasted so good! Keeps you feeling full. An excellent part of any weight management program.
  • SAVE

    Booty Pop by FLABuLESS

    Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $50.99.
    Booty Pop - Bootypop - If you are looking to move things North, then this is the product for you. Rub it on twice a day. It doesn't get any easier! Want to get even better results, buy the Booty Pop Kit! 4 amazing products that will help you lose the gutt and keep the butt!
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